Sunday, September 14, 2008

Charms, Buttons and Embellishments

I have so much fun with kid's crafts and Shrinky Dinks are a little obsession mine. Last year I taught kids at Martin Luther King Middle School to make cool key tags from Shrinky Dinks and had a blast. So I had to revisit this craft, but this time I wanted to give it an adult twist, make something I would wear and use myself. I experimented with Ink jet printer shrink plastic and created a series of Victorian Wine Charms and Pins, as well as interestingly patterned buttons that I embellish greeting cards with. If you are tempted to join in the fun, come and take my class at The Workshop, September 24th.

1 comment:

  1. schön.

    Sag mal, hast du meine Mail bekommen, oder habe ich eine veraltete Adresse von Dir?! Falls das der Fall sein sollte, schick mir bei Gelegenheit doch mal deine aktuelle (, ich hab da nämlich 'ne Frage... :) beziehungsweise sogar zwei, quasi miteinander verflochten..
    Liebe Grüße.
