Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hanna Nitsch

I saw an ink drawing of Hanna Nitsch in a small gallery in Frankfurt. Her slightly creepy pale water color-like portraits of children are somehow dream-like and a little bit unsettling. They speak to me of the fine line between sweet, innocence and bizarr strangeness that makes childhood so interesting and fragile. She apparently paints mostly her own kids. Some of these ink drawings are really big too: 6 x 5 feet tall! So you can imagine their impact.


Courtney Cerruti said...

I love her work. This sentiment you described is exactly why I started painting children. My images are much different from hers, but that idea of the delicate balance childhood holds is the same. It is such an intense and interesting subject to explore through painting. Good find!

Ulla said...

They also look a little like your daughter! Love the dreamy colors...!